I’m a hoarder. I connect emotions to things. They don’t have to be expensive things.…
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I’m a hoarder. I connect emotions to things. They don’t have to be expensive things.…
I’m a hoarder.One like you’ve never seen in your life.I give good boxes, empty packaging…
I want to write something profound and expressive that is able to convey what being…
I was in grade 5 when I spent most of my play time slaving over…
My 3 year old woke up yesterday morning and burst into tears "Mujhe kisi ke…
Time flies by when you’re having fun. Haven’t we all heard this one and agreed…
I had an exceptionally shaky day. Let me rephrase that. I had an exceptionally shaky,…
Since S's second birthday appeared as a blip on the horizon right up until now,…
Sass and I saw the Little Big Shots together today. It is one of her…
The residents of Jaaba where the Indians bombed said that them and their children fell…