Here We Go

When I was young, I wanted to be a mum. Not for the joys of motherhood or all that it has been whipped about to be but because I could play with a baby for as long as I want without anyone telling me I need to stop now. This was 10 year old me who had to study and be torn away from my tiny cousins. As I grew older and the implications of having kids unravelled coupled with my failed relationships resulting in the vehement need to stay unattached, the need to have a child reduced and slowly in light of my career and busy schedule I had convinced myself that my life (and truly so) does not, quite literally, have space for a child. Lo and behold, a few years fast forward, I was sitting in the washroom staring at a faint positive pregnancy test.

Where ALL of my life has been about my career and traveling and other fun stuff, these are uncharted territories. I thought I’d chronicle the myriad of emotions and experiences as I go along. You are welcome to skip along.


15.10.2018 (Update)

Quickly progressing into a mother who knows her own mind. Clearly didn’t take me too long to get those neurones jogging. I sometimes joke that I can tell you everything about parenting up to the age of 17 months (insert Sass’s current age). Beyond that, I have no clue. So trying to share all that I’ve learned so far to help other parents as clueless as I was in the beginning and save them the incessant googling. Or help narrow it down at the very least.

However, the learning curve is still steep and you’re coming along on that journey. How my toddler teaches me to live, love and grow. This keeps getting better.


21.03.2020 (Update)

Mamas are human. 
I have been blogging since 2002 or so when few in Pakistan even knew what a blog was. Made a ton of friends around the world, connecting over Faiz Ahmed Faiz and likeminded-ness. I started this specific blog when I had my only child nearly three years ago. I wrote the first post a night before I delivered, originally on Medium and then re published it on this website when I kicked it off. I just felt everything is rushing by and I want to document. Every pore of my existence was compelling me to hold on to time and to forever remember the inexplicable feeling it was. Every single moment brought a new emotion with it. I didn’t want it to fade away. I wanted it to linger. I wanted it to stay long enough for em to be able to reminisce. I have dementia in both sides of my family history. Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, Strokes. Name it and we have it. I have been hypertensive since I was 16 years old (which was a very long time ago). Being realistic, I am half sure I won’t have my memory accompany me as long as most people out there would. So I write. I write to be reminded of what being a new mom felt like. To be reminded of the rapturous joy my child brings to me every day of my life. 
Which is what brings me to the expression. 
Mamas are human. 

We don’t JUST cook. 
Or JUST craft

Or JUST do (fantastic!) makeup

Or JUST do Photography

Or JUST homeschool 

Or JUST work all day while caring for our homes.  

We do it all. 
Along with being a fully functioning human being with a myriad of interests and passions and opinions on current affairs that pop up every day!

I don’t want to sell anything. Ever. 

There’s a “No Brand Collabs” policy I have. I know many people will say never say never but the idea of advertising through a platform that is so uniquely me, is a road not meant for me right now. 

I share my child’s funny stories. 

I talk about gender politics. 

I talk about Breastfeeding 

I talk about Gentle Parenting as a Desi (which is rarer than I thought it would be)

I talk about life as an introvert 

I talk about being an Empath and the curse and joy of absorbing energies that surround us. 

I talk about Skincare and it’s lack thereof in my life

I talk about books (SO MUCH)

I talk about Events I want to go to. In my city. Or another city. Or even other countries. 

I talk about travel. My travels with my child but not necessarily always focusing on her. 

I talk about nature. 

I talk about Feminism

I talk about the taboo surrounding Periods and the need to love ourselves more through it 

I talk about the unpopular opinions I hold with my head held up high. 

I talk about Special Needs Children and the importance of normalising their life experience as well as ours navigating around them just the way we navigate around other people. 

I talk about the trees of my land

I talk about gardening. 

I talk about Music. A lot of music. Classical, Indian and Western. 

I talk about Entrepreneurship and mentor Startups.

I do this so my child can one day read and know that a woman is as multi faceted as it comes and it is fine to be who you are. To not just project ONE aspect of your life but all of it. 

Because that is human. 

And Mamas are Human.