Time Flies. Does it Really though?
Time flies. But does it really? You my darling child, turn 3 today. 3 years of a kind of party I could never imagine ever
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Time flies. But does it really? You my darling child, turn 3 today. 3 years of a kind of party I could never imagine ever
The recent public hysteria over Typhoid Vaccine introduced NEEDED to be addressed.
Here are some Top of Mind questions in the minds of any responsible parent in the country that were addressed by Two Prominent Paediatricians in a Mothers’ Group run by a Doctor herself.
I wanted to surprise a mother figure for her birthday but my child ended up surprising me with her secret talent.
Weaning is what’s been on my mind for a little over six months and I Research. Like. A lot. Here’s an article I found particularly helpful and surprisingly eye opening on many counts.
I don’t have to quit being a gentle parent to wean.
This tiny little hand is not holding on to me for support or love as it may seem. It is holding on to me coupled with glaring eyes and a resolve to crack mountains. Actually explaining exactly what she needs in way more detail than she ever would before. Bittersweet is certainly the understatement of the century here.
Teaching a child how to love is easy. They are so good at it they can perhaps teach us something about unconditional love. What’s a tricky one is how to rein that in and not feed into your child growing up an entitled brat who thinks love is their right. Because let’s be honest, don’t we already have enough of those around?
Janet Lansbury explains how to lovingly nip this in the bud when it is still just a lovable thing they do.
Curly hair deserve some extra love. I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time. Finally, we took the leap.
I wrote this somewhere in February then forgot it in the drafts. That in itself is a lesson to be learnt. Never put kindness on the back burner. It is the only thing worthwhile you can teach your child. Help them grow a beautiful heart.
Park is usually a constant in a child’s life. Except when you are born to hermits who love their nooks and books. Then it’s an expedition. My poor, forever Vitamin D deprived kid has a go at the Park Baby life and goes a little nutsy, making (non) snow angels in clumps of weeds and grass amongst other fun stuff.
As eager as you are to write your own story and walk your own path, some things must wait for my heart is poorly and my arms weak. I still need you breathing in my shoulder and teething on my chin.
Just a tad longer…