Since S’s second birthday appeared as a blip on the horizon right up until now, 2 months past it, I had been reading up on weaning and different approaches to it.
Some put bitter stuff on their nips. Go cold turkey. The baby cries for a few days and then stops.
I found it way too barbaric for my taste
Others self weaned. Allowed the baby to slowly go off the boob.
Here’s the thing. I’m raising a Taurean. A creature of habit and a lover of routine. She will have the same thing twenty million times to play with and you cannot win an argument with her. Yes. She’s only two but arguing since she was five months old. We don’t have a say.
So I might even feed her right up to college of self weaning is my choice.
This article hit the nail on its head. By far the best one I’ve read on weaning.
Go ahead. Check it out