Daring Vulnerabilities

Life is tougher for mothers. Where we make a woman unwelcome in the world, preconceived notions keep her betrothed to near ritualistic traditions, unable to even swim the vastness of their own mind to decide what they feel. Instead, they’re only told what they’re feeling and that too in no uncertain words. Here’s a tight whack to that.

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What is best?

The age old banter turns ugly left, right and centre. Why? Why the need to prove someone else is wrong? As long as they aren’t jeopardising their child’s life (and no, formula doesn’t do that. Please. Stop. It does have repercussions on health. It doesn’t kill a child) steer clear. My take on what is best.

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The Konmari Bug: 10 Things I learned from Marie Kondo (Tidying included!)

The Art of Tidying by Marie Kondo. Apparently there are only two types of people in the world right now. Those who have seen it or are planning to do so in near future, Or those who are too busy decluttering their house after binge watching it already. Some blatant, some between the lines, here are 10 unconventional things that I learned from it.

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