Maternity & Paternity Leave Bill 2019- Pakistan

This is a win. For Women’s Rights. For Parents Rights. For Human Rights. For taking a step back and realising the human need to bond and recuperate after a life altering event. It is time to celebrate that Mothers in Pakistan are now able to breathe a little easier.

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I can’t say this enough how my child has changed me for the better. I don’t say motherhood has changed me because I honestly believe it is my child’s individual personality that is changing things about me more than the routine motherhood stuff. Or IS there a run of the mill motherhood gig at all? I think it’s a unicorn waiting to be sighted. Each one a unique one.

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Baby’s Day Out. Parking it.

Park is usually a constant in a child’s life. Except when you are born to hermits who love their nooks and books. Then it’s an expedition. My poor, forever Vitamin D deprived kid has a go at the Park Baby life and goes a little nutsy, making (non) snow angels in clumps of weeds and grass amongst other fun stuff.

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What is best?

The age old banter turns ugly left, right and centre. Why? Why the need to prove someone else is wrong? As long as they aren’t jeopardising their child’s life (and no, formula doesn’t do that. Please. Stop. It does have repercussions on health. It doesn’t kill a child) steer clear. My take on what is best.

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The Audio (Books) Jump

The other day I picked up a book and my husband’s eyes widened in surprise. No more than 3 seconds later my baby raced over with the twinkliest eyes ever, throwing herself on the book in my lap. Tears blurring my vision, I put it back in the shelf. Here’s a jump that I never ever thought I’d make. Some balm for my aching heart that crazily missed reading books around the clock pre-baby

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Looking Forward

To keep on doing what works and leaving behind what doesn’t. For ourselves, for the child we raise and shape with every single move we make. 10 things I want to do in 2019. I always modify based on change in needs and wants but as long as I’m following my heart, the resolve to love thyself stands tallest.

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