UNICEF 2019: “Estonia offers mothers the longest duration of leave at full pay at 85 weeks, followed by Hungary (72 weeks) & Bulgaria (65 weeks). The US is the only country included in the analysis with no national paid leave policy for parents.
Today a milestone in the history of women and parental rights was achieved in Pakistan when FINALLY the Maternity Leave Bill was passed that gives 6 & 1 months paid postpartum leave to Mother & Father respectively. Canada & the UK both give upto a year and more of maternity leave. Other countries aforementioned, give upto 85 weeks of paid matleave. At this recognition of bringing a new life to this world, the country is abuzz with crass jokes such as people will only keep doing this now. We fail to understand that population control and treating mothers in a Humane way are two different matters altogether. It didn’t (and shouldn’t) take me to become a mother for me to champion better treatment of new mothers at the workplace.
It is not about the population bomb. It’s about giving a couple enough time and space to naturally ease their way back into productive workforce when they have witnessed the miracle of childbirth because TRUST me it only begins once you pop.
This will support
- Better Bonding (Great Kick off for optimal mental health)
A fantastic chance at establishing exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6m of life
Father’s presence & bonding opportunity as well as responsibility sharing.
Happier (LUCID) Employees
Above all, a realisation of the need to make changes to the masculine work environment by default and a step towards integrating women as fairly contributing partners to the economy.
If I would get a 10er for every new mother who begs me to find her an alternate source of income so she doesn’t have to go back to work OR those who decide to quit work, I can retire yesterday.
If workplaces can accommodate Cricket Matches, having a child is off the charts
This is a win. For Women’s Rights. For Parents Rights. For Human Rights. For taking a step back and realising the human need to bond and recuperate after a life altering event. It is time to celebrate that Mothers in Pakistan are now able to breathe a little easier.
To raising healthy, well loved, stable and secure little humans. To a better, happier workforce and a more gender equitable #Pakistan 🇵🇰