Happy Birthday Sassi
I want to write something profound and expressive that is able to convey what being Sassi’s parent means to me but every time I end up crying uncontrollably. This child…
I want to write something profound and expressive that is able to convey what being Sassi’s parent means to me but every time I end up crying uncontrollably. This child…
This is a win. For Women’s Rights. For Parents Rights. For Human Rights. For taking a step back and realising the human need to bond and recuperate after a life altering event. It is time to celebrate that Mothers in Pakistan are now able to breathe a little easier.
Why I stayed home with my child instead of pursuing my seven figure career with zero regret. To date.
Look closely. While my child screams and runs off in anger that would shame animal rights supporters marching at Knightsbridge with bloodied fur around their necks, you will find another human offspring rolling on the floor in the distance. Almost looked for her mum to suggest swapsies!
A slight deviation from the happy shiny. London brings out my journey through life like no other. For which I thank her. Vulnerability is my super power. What’s Yours?
I can’t say this enough how my child has changed me for the better. I don’t say motherhood has changed me because I honestly believe it is my child’s individual personality that is changing things about me more than the routine motherhood stuff. Or IS there a run of the mill motherhood gig at all? I think it’s a unicorn waiting to be sighted. Each one a unique one.
One (possibly) mother, to another. A split second connection. A knowing nod, half a smile. If only we’d slow down to listen where no words can match up.
We love Insta Hashtag Following. Do you? Here’s a fun piece with a surprisingly solemn message at the end.
The idea that Silicon Valley tycoons keep their own kids’ lives technology free has been beaten around to death. Is it right? Is it Conspiratorial? Is it Meh? Here’s my take.
Gently responsive and empathic parenting is the only way we can ensure our children are neither the bullies nor the bullied. Raising a glass to a more compassionate loving space.