Sar pe Dupatta

This one might hit a nerve with many but hear me out.

Some of you may know I’m in the middle of moving houses this week. I’ve been working with labour for the past two days. Today when we had to unpack in the new house. The head labourer who had constantly been “you’re like my daughters” since day one came to me and said

You are like my daughters, please cover your head.

I was wearing baggy trousers and an oversized T shirt. Nothing revealing.

Without skipping a beat I responded No this can’t happen. I would suggest you focus on work and leave these matters between me and my God.

I went on to working with his team of four men for 18 hours, giving them 3 cartons full of stuff for their families and kids and in the process made four great friends who can’t read a word but are all educating their daughters.

Magical things happen when you talk to people. You get to know them. So instead of pushing to build more walls, step forward and talk to each other like humans. Not like men and women

There’s a lot of hue and cry about how women dress and how that affects men and their behaviour towards them. In my nearly 40 years of life I have only found men more humane once I spoke to them. Not all. Definitely it all but please remove the unnecessary sexual tension between you and unknown men. Ask them a simple question, break the ice. You’ll find out in minutes if they’re messed up or decent people.

I worked with 4 gentlemen today who even had a huge language barrier with me yet, left with a smile on their face and truckloads of prayers for me.

Stop taking the Liberty to tell women what to do with their bodies only because you’re men. Not women you live with. Not women you love. Not women you work with and definitely not women you work FOR.

Stay in your Lane. Speak to us like humans. Get your work done and be off on your way.

For women, please speak up and push back if you’re told to do something to be acceptable. If you’re told to do anything you’re not comfortable with.

Take the leap of faith. If you won’t respect and uphold your honour yourself, no one else would.