Maybe not with a bang but it sure is.
Somehow magically but kiddle has suddenly lost interest in tearing my books. I may be speaking too soon but here it was. I actually managed to sit down and read for a bit without the sky actually falling.
The last book I read was Arundhati Roy’s Happiness.
So here’s another thing. I’m absolutely rubbish at remembering book names. I’ll remember authors. I’ll remember stories. I’ll definitely remember what it made me feel like.
I will hardly ever remember the name of the book. So. Roy’s Happiness it was (See this absolutely foolish and aspirational post where I assumed I’d be able to read enough to post about it regularly. What’s On Your Nappy Pail). No. I refuse to google. It’s trying too hard to be liked for knowing EVERYTHING all the time and that’s not me. This is me. Book name forgetting, author remembering. Me.
This past month I attempted reading plenty of books, pairing them with one of Sassi’s so she can read at the same time too. The first being Genome (SEE, I don’t forget all book names!) but I couldn’t finish it unfortunately. Here’s another thing.
I DO remember book names when I’m aspiring to read them. I only forget them once I’ve read them! This blog post is major on self discovery so far.
I tried to start reading Genome but we ended up reading Elmo went to the doctor. Or was it Numbers?
Yes. That’s her favourite numbers book. For the WHOLE book see the beginning of this post right here Baby’s Day Out. Parking it.
I had picked up Genome from the Blackwells in Oxford when we went there for a (very rainy but dreamy) day while I was pregnant.
I picked up Genome and a tiny onesie for my yet to be born child and it looked fab on her later that year.
There’s something about Oxford that makes me so happy. Maybe it is the fact that it reminds F of some of his favourite times? He loves just walking the paths he used to when he used to live there. He doesn’t say a word. As always. It’s just that forever smile on his face while we are there that makes me want to take him there every time “everyday” becomes too tiring.
I have yet to see what Montreal does to him.
Clearly I digress.
The book I ACTUALLY got to finish was one I picked up a week ago at liberty books Packages Mall on a whim. While F ordered breakfast for us, I took Sass for a stroll in the bookshop. I had gone there to pick up colouring books for her because of her new found love for colours. On my way out I just picked this up simply at seeing a familiar name. It was Nadia Hussain from the British Bake Off. She’s so lovely and bubbly, I thought of it as a nice light read.
Without any issues at it being shredded, I started off and even though it wasn’t the lightest of reads with the crazy diaspora issues and exactly the things I have trouble whipping my head around, it was gripping. I couldn’t put the book down and thus the picture once I had finished the book. (Please see the bent title page!)
This project was supported and sponsored by my very patient husband who would care for her while my nose was buried in the book after what seems like at least a decade, bathroom breaks of a too tiny kid bent upon potty training herself (can someone knock some sense into this kid? The bathroom floor is cold. I’m too old for this shit), multiple books like the one with nursery rhymes and their music by Usbourne (clearly I’m equally rubbish at remembering my kid’s books too), Elmo went to the doctor (only because we read it at least twenty million times a day), the very hungry caterpillar and truckloads of play doh. That roller bears witness.
I finished it! I did. Yayyy!
It was quite interesting and kind of resembled a Little Women spun on a Bengali-British household. How all sisters are different yet stick together through trouble in their own quirky ways. Little surprises. Little shocks along the way. Keeps you on the edge yet engaged enough to not slip and fall. It’s very very nice for someone who hasn’t read a book in a while.
The next on my list is a favourite for a long time.
Will let you know when I finish that but here it is. Since I haven’t read it yet, I remember the name (and love it!). It’s called hormonal and is all about how hormones don’t wreck us. They are what makes women all the wonderful things we are and we do. Basically hormones in a new light.
Super excited about this one.
We plan on kicking it off with a tea party.