
I can’t say this enough how my child has changed me for the better. I don’t say motherhood has changed me because I honestly believe it is my child’s individual personality that is changing things about me more than the routine motherhood stuff. Or IS there a run of the mill motherhood gig at all? I think it’s a unicorn waiting to be sighted. Each one a unique one.

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Love Surrounds Me.

I keep assigning gifts and favours to celebrated days and my lover laughs at me. The fact is, we don’t love each other because we share gifts. We buy each other the most obnoxious crap only because we love each other. Valentine’s Day or not. All kinds of lovers surround me. So do my special deliveries from

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Baby’s Day Out. Parking it.

Park is usually a constant in a child’s life. Except when you are born to hermits who love their nooks and books. Then it’s an expedition. My poor, forever Vitamin D deprived kid has a go at the Park Baby life and goes a little nutsy, making (non) snow angels in clumps of weeds and grass amongst other fun stuff.

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