I will soon be over the hump of 3 weeks post 2nd dose Sputnik COVID19…
Tag: Health
2 min read
1 min read
Christmas Quarantine
My friends and I look forward to my Christmas lunch every year. I was already…
3 min read
The Lockdown Fatigue
I thought we were doing fantastic. We had this lockdown thing DOWN. I was studying,…
3 min read
4 min read
Cabin Fever
My 3 year old woke up yesterday morning and burst into tears "Mujhe kisi ke…
7 min read
Slow living Revival: Quarantine Learnings
Time flies by when you’re having fun. Haven’t we all heard this one and agreed…
5 min read
COVID19 Facts!
A local pediatricians office in the U.S. sent this out. It was sent to several…
3 min read
Maternity & Paternity Leave Bill 2019- Pakistan
UNICEF 2019: “Estonia offers mothers the longest duration of leave at full pay at 85…
4 min read
December in my life
I'm an accountant. That means most of my adult life (basically ever since 2002) I…
4 min read
Typhoid Vaccine Hoopla: Q&A
There has been recent introduction of a Pakistani Developed Vaccine for a drug resistant Typhoid…